Emily Przekwas
Transmedia Artist

A Memorial to Fabulous Women
Struck by the lack of monuments that exist to memorialize strong and powerful women, I decided to remedy this injustice for my thesis exhibition by creating a work of art to memorialize fabulous women. Visually, I was inspired by the Lincoln Catafalque, still used in the U.S. Capitol to honor fallen dignitaries. According to my research, it has never been used to honor a woman. Typically sarcophagi are made using stone, but by using metal I am seeking to illustrate a more porous boundary between life and death. The work is existential in that way, especially as it pertains to my experience as a woman living in a society of pervasive male bias. Sometimes I wonder if I'm even alive.

Emily Przekwas is a transmedia and social practice artist working across the mediums of sculpture, photography, and performance. Sculpturally, Emily's processes include oxyacetylene bending and welding steel metal rods into a variety of configurations that fit a conceptual narrative around diversity, feminism and existentialism.
Her work has been shown at Emmanuel Gallery, Edge Gallery, Pirate Contemporary Art, and most recently at the Tactile Arts Exhibition at the Colorado Gallery of the Arts. A winner of the Chalk Art Photography Contest, she has performed at the Museum of Contemporary Art, and independent venues around Denver.